Platial, Ankeny version 0.3 is out.
Have fun and check back. We'll be pushing up a lot more in this next week.
Platial, Ankeny version 0.3 - Release Notes
New features:
Dynamaps: Markers and place summary information are now loaded dynamically (RESTfully).
Registration emails are correctly reverse DNS'ed. AOL was rejecting us as spam.
Hovering over images gives you a bigger image. Thanks to Erik Bosrup for the overlib JS.
You can upload an image when you enter a new place.
Users can comment on their own places.
Users can comment more than once on places.
Your map icon now shows up when you're browsing the map.
The map is a little bigger, and we've added the Google maps zoom slider.
Known issues:
Clicking on tags doesn't return accurate results, if any.
Searching with a blank 'what' will not return good results.
Clicking on a place while browsing a map will not return that place's details.
Paging is totally borked.
You can't upload images if you're editing a place.
Coming soon:
Editing and deleting annotations and maps.
Place adoption.
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