Martin Stabe posts a recording of Dan Gillmore's keynote from NMKForum07 where he gives a few examples of citizen media on Platial.
Here is a blurb from Kevin Anderson's post on also showed a mashup of homes sold, plotted on a map, showing homes that sold for less than local governments thought they were worth. It was posted not by a journalist but created by a real estate agent who thought it was important. Why don't media people do this? [ here are 2 of these maps, one for boston and one for cape cod ]
I call this journalism just not done by someone who calls themselves a journalist. He showed a map of bombings in Iraq using a site called Platial. His students at Berkeley created this. No newspaper that Dan knows of has done this.
In Bakersfield, they created a pothole map. People could put a pin on the map showing potholes. They could add pictures. They could list potholes that have been fixed.
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