We updated Platial yesterday with one nice new feature for Wordpress bloggers. You can now put your existing Platial maps on Wordpress. The Platial mapkit widget has been in the Wordpress gallery for a while now, but until yesterday you could only put a fresh, new, empty map up. Here's how to take one of your existing maps full of your favorite places, and put it on your Wordpress blog:
1. Log on to Platial.com
2. Under your map title on your homepage, or in the map header, click on "embed" or "publish."
3. Choose the Wordpress logo and click next
4. Copy the code into the widget control panel on Wordpress.
We had a lot of people write in to tell us that they found the new markers too gigantic, so we reduced their size by 25%. Let us know how you like the new size. We also made some bug fixes this week. Some images weren't appearing in hovers and in the flash image scroller, but they should reappear. Maps on blogs should also stop showing the whole world instead of the area where your markers are in IE7.
Thanks to everyone who sent us in feedback this week. We love to hear from you!
Works beautifully now!
Posted by: Leia | June 06, 2008 at 01:02 PM