Now is your chance to beat the imminent rush and export your full archive quality KMZ maps from Platial. We are in the last stages of testing 2 new export tools and would appreciate your participation and feedback.
The 2 new tools are a full KMZ exporter with all uploaded images embedded (any images that were added to the map via the flickr tool or as a web based image link will continue to link out) as well as a newly formatted KML version with image hosting provided by
To enable the 2 new export modes, simply append ?export=1 to the end of any map url. This should work for visitor maps (/mapv/) as well as normal ones (/map/). becomes
Note: this will enable a new KMZ and KML link in the map header area
These export tools are applicable to any map on, so if you appreciate someone else's map, feel free to grab a copy (with the exception of a user places map (the map of all your places), in which case, it will only be available to that logged in user.
Feedback is welcome as commentary here on the blog, on the getsatisfaction page, or via our feedback page.
Known Issues you can avoid commenting on:
- With very large maps, anything over 2000 points, using the KMZ version sometimes comes out with an empty file despite taking a really long time to process
- some date ranges on geocommons hosted images are missing
The export tool for the whole map doesn't work and the images don't display when I use the other tool. Sorry to hear that you've gone bust.
Posted by: linda | February 26, 2010 at 11:34 PM
hi Linda, we have updated our export tools, they should be working now
Posted by: Jason | March 01, 2010 at 11:29 AM