Found this amusing image of a tangled knot of highway, and started realizing there is an analogy between current transportation concerns and traditional chinese wellness models. The basic correlation is this: poor flow can lead to seemingly unrelated systemic problems. Therefore, finding, nurturing, and venerating urban flow is critical for sustainable urban viability.
In honor of the notion of urban flow, I present the following brief list of items for your consideration and edification.
Contrails: DIY Bike Paths, automatically drawn with chalk wherever bikes may go.
Speed Levitch and The Cruise: an homage to, and manifesto of, flow improv.
Dérive: Situationist drifting.
This list simply must contain one of the most influential practices of urban flow: Among the various situationist methods is the dérive [literally: 'drifting'], a technique of transient passage through varied ambiances. In a dérive one or more persons during a certain period drop their usual motives for movement and action, their relations, their work and leisure activities, and let themselves be drawn by the attractions of the terrain and the encounters they find there.
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